Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Broke-ass Pete's Spooky Adventure 977 777 38 3.0
Inspiration for
Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap (2.0) (0 XP) 0 0 2 1.0

ihmcallister · 49

This is the latest version of the low resource Ashcan deck I have been running through Dunwich and Rougarou, and I've been loving the build.

It's a very adaptable deck focusing primarily on investigation and fighting. The cards in the deck are spread over all the stats in order to help out where needed and Ashcan can certainly get around with Duke and Shortcut, a recent addition I am hoping will make him more manoeuvrable.

I am considering a second hard knocks but the star cards are as follows:

Fire Axe: You don't need a lot of resources in this decks and Fire Axe is a perfect place to chuck the ones you get. Duke can't always be ready for the fight so Ashcan has to do some of the work.

Peter Sylvestre: gives you the little bit of extra agility Duke doesn't provide but can also allow you to absorb the tick of horror from a variety of sources...cough...stupid bayous....

Scavenging: being able to recycle cards back into your hand is great for feeding to Duke's ability. I was thinking about pickpocketing but Ashcan stands his ground!

Rabbit's Foot: drawing cards when you fail, also great for Ashcan especially if you have just used Duke on the test.

I really like this deck and I think it will only improve as more cards come out. The ability to not have to worry about gaining resources, or card draw to an extent, really lets you concentrate on the important actions in a scenario and makes Ashcan a really efficient operator.

Upgrades are pretty straightforward for now. Lucky and Peter should be the first things, and magnifying glass next.


Jan 31, 2017 DigitalAgeHermit · 24

You can't upgrade your Magnifying Glass, as Pete can't include non-Survivor cards that are above level 0

Jan 31, 2017 ihmcallister · 49

Good point, I knew there was reason I hadn't done that! Whoops

Feb 12, 2017 ihmcallister · 49

Shortcut has proved invaluable in larger scenarios, definitely a keeper. Thinking about swapping Knife out for something else, but that might have to wait for more cards.